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Washing and cleaning sell offers

Companies Province Qomand Producer Washing and cleaning

  • Now clean

    Presenter all matters related to the servicing and cleaning of home and workplace as soon as possible 1-wash the carpets and furniture in your home 2-the cleaning of the staircase 3-wash the yard and parking lot 4-cleaning, fences, and elevator 5-clear glass 6-wash the car and motorcycle at home 7-wax, shoes, home 8-Package 9-washing building facades 10-cleaning the inside of the home and the workplace 11-wash the wall 12-wash the pond and pool houses 13-floor cleaning building 14-cleaning, Kitchen 15-keeping the patient at home and hospital 16-deployed force to catering, from parliaments and parties(holiday-Islamic) 17-irrigation garden homes, 18-dispatch Massager direction(rylksysn) 19-broadcast and distribution types of advertising(تراکت-business cards-brochure) 20-cleaning roofs اعزام force to all parts of Qom province