Specification of Company زیباسازان Diamond

  • Company registration date: 2015-03-21
  • Number of staff: 1-10 Person
  • Company activities : Service company
  • Place: Province Hamadan
  • In the field of: Building and Construction
  • Company Type: Private
  • View: 1258
Company Description
Company زیباسازان diamonds - register : 781

فعالیت in the field of design and implementation of facade aluminium composite, in the province of hamedan and Kurdistan

نمایندگی sale panel آلومینوم composite, brand ALUTEK big Alubond u.s.a آلوتک and آلوبند

مشاوره free


نمایندگی, sell sheets, composite, آلوتک

شرکت زیباسازان diamond with the ten-year record in the matter of the sale and implementation of the sheet composite is proud to service, sell sheets, composite, آلوتک quality excellent and the price exceptional, in Tehran and throughout Iran with the specifications of the following can be provided :

- all sheets have the color of PVDF are .

- has a total thickness mm 4 and the thickness of the aluminum shell, 0.3 mm

- sheets in the dimensions of 1.25*3.20 has been that each panel sheet 4 square meters .

- has a 15 year warranty quality Factory

- has a 10 year insurance policy of Iran

- various colors

icon in the production of this sheet in addition to obtaining certification to iso 9001 :2008, devices that have updated technology and technical knowledge, strong engineering and efficient are has been used .

to manufacture this product as much as possible, try to have been that of the raw material produced domestically be used . In that same token, granular consumer of this product, which is flexible and unbreakable. in Iran was prepared . Also, sheet aluminum, used plant, with the actual thickness of 30 microns and has a color cover for the company, which has two layers of color is also from the most prestigious production plant, steel plates, aluminum from China, purchased, and at the disposal of the production line, the factory is located of the company, its readiness to sell the listed products with the best quality and the most reasonable prices, it has announced .

امید is with the support of domestic production we can name Iran as one of the best manufacturers, plates, aluminium composite in the world to introduce .

موارد use steel plates composite :

- cover the facades of office buildings – commercial – industrial . . .

- boards, promotional boards, shop, and . . .

- niches, elevator . . .

خصوصیات sheet composite :

وزن. resistance. smooth surface, color variation, etc. sound insulation–, thermal – moisture, etc. recycling? diverse dimension and form. interchangeable panel defective

to free consultation and. price information and inventory sheet, composite آلوتک (ALUTEK) call now
The representation of the composite sheet, with the brand آلوتک

Designer and qualified composite facade

Contact information
Nameعباس صالحی
Tel+98 -0×××5281811callMake Call