All طاهر گلکارزاده sell and buy offers

  • Digital lock میلره

    Security, quietness, comfort, with lock, digital milre experience The possibility of the use in apartment, residential, administrative وقفل, comedy, and closets swimming pools Wardrobe professors at the University and.... Can be Company Arabian journal is the only official representative lock digital in South Korea. And for a decent price and the service متماییز with a 25 year warranty and 10 year after-sales service and training free serve the dear compatriots. Office Phone تهرانپارس:77731255 سایت Email:

  • Lock architecture

    Import, sales and installation types of locks هوشمندجهت use درمجموعه, sports, the pool, the sauna, lounge, gym, etc., hotels., the changing room, and a variety of lockers mdfچوبی وفلزی and - دارای25ماه warranty و10سال services since ازفروش - Plus the title tags are legal reference antibacterials ضدهک and waterproof - Ability to remove هردستبند from the lock memory, even if the missing bracelet - Have the alarm system, the completion of battery charge - Battery emergency time check out the battery lock cupboard - Ability to define 30تگ username, etc. 5تگ curated و1مستر - The consumption ...

  • Lock Hotel

    :Bonwinقفلهای card hotel MIFARE - system -Has a soft افزارهتلی -Define the time limit for the user -Feature reporting تا992بار -Working offline -Ability to open the lock با8کارت different -2عددکلید mechanical for an essential Phone تماس77731257 iranmilre@yahoo.coایمیل Address:تهرانپارس،خیابان154غربی, etc., on the corner of North غرب119, etc. پلاک8 the unit

  • Locks, digital

    The company akam is the first importer of locks, digital hotel, architecture, residential,, brand milre

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