Private tutoring of first and second high school chemistry

  • View: 145
  • updated: 26 Jul 2023
  • Expire: Friday 25 Jul 2025
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Private tutoring of first and second high school chemistry

Private tutoring of chemistry (first, second and entrance high school)
Conceptual and creative teaching of chemistry
Conceptual and creative teaching of chemistry
\n12 years of successful experience in private and educational teaching
Teacher of non-government schools in 2nd and 6th district of Tehran for 6 years

Due to the more conceptualization of chemistry in the entrance exam in recent years, it is better for students to be familiar with the concepts of this course from the beginning Let them get to know each other so that they will not be taught this lesson in the following years.
Private teaching of 10th, 11th and pre-university chemistry
Private chemistry teacher for the entrance exam (notes class, test and summary)
Private chemistry teacher for students First year high school (top schools)
Teaching creativity and scientific thinking
Familiarity with the books published by Innovators, Very Green, Merat, Golfodham, Kalk Moalem, Blackboard, Qalam Chi and Gaj
A teacher working in education and Education - professional teacher
Comprehensive and conceptual private teaching of chemistry
Reinforcement, entrance exam and gifted students
Consulting in the field of entrance exam chemistry and high school selection

Bachelor of chemistry from Gilan University (government)\r \nMaster of Chemistry from Yazd University (Government)

Private chemistry teacher
Private teacher of ninth grade chemistry
Private university chemistry teacher
High school chemistry teacher
Female chemistry teacher
Teacher 11th grade chemistry
gifted chemistry teacher
concurrence school chemistry teacher
concursion chemistry teacher
pre-university chemistry private tutoring
high school chemistry private tutoring
8th grade chemistry tutoring
chemistry tutoring 9th
Private chemistry teaching 7th
Academic counseling
Private chemistry teaching 10th
Private chemistry teacher

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