Sale of manual lathe industrial equipment

  • View: 831
  • updated: 08 Sep 2024
  • Expire: Sunday 22 Jun 2025
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  • 1 Year

Sale of manual lathe industrial equipment

Sale of all types of manual lathes in Tabriz - Russia-Poland - European-China machines, etc.
New and used in various sizes, heavy lathes and light machines from 1 meter to 12 meters in length
From diameter 100 to 3 meters in various throat sizes and fixed and moving lintel system, electrical and mechanical collage system

Selling Chinese lathe
Lathe machine in type CS6266
The machine Lathe type CS6280
Lathe machine type CS6250
Types of Russian lathes
Type 300 length 1m to 3m
Type 400 length 2m-4m
Type 500 length 3m-5m
Tabriz lathe
Lathe model TN71D
Lathe model TN71B
Lathe model TN50D\r \nTrash model TN50BR
and different types of models
Ready to provide advice for your best purchase.
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Market car

  • Company registration date: -
  • Number of staff: 1-10 Person
  • Company activities:
  • Place: Iran, Province Tehran
  • In the field of: Molding and turning and Design
  • Company Type: Private

Buying and selling manual and cnc machines all over Iran

Contact Info
Companyماشین مارکت
Mobile +98 919×××4585 callMake Call
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Addressواحد اصفهان،شهرک صنعتی محمود آباد،خیابان ۶ واحد/ تهران،شهرک صنعتی ۴دونگه ، خیابان ۲۱ ، میدان نصرت
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