For installation on a variety of overhead cranes " gantry "brachial" تاورکرین "concrete pump, etc.
Specifications General Device
1.Frequency control crystal
2.Marker battery
3.Performance above 100 km
4.Programmable relays
5.Rated output 5 امپر250ولت
A variation on the model
2کاناله single سرعتL4
4کاناله single speed L6
4-channel, two-speed L6B
6کاناله single speed L8b"L8"L8A
8کاناله دوسرعت L10
11کاناله two speed L12
40کاناله جیواستیکیL40"L40A
Admissions representative active from the cities
Remote Saga/overhead cranes and gantry/concrete pump/تاورکرین/Saga
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