All Ehsan Tab Alvand sell and buy offers

  • Selling laser and beauty devices in Shiraz

    **How ​​laser hair removal devices work is that by targeting the hair follicle, it increases its temperature and thus stops the hair growth process. During the laser treatment, the focused laser beam is irradiated to the hair follicles and absorbed by the follicle pigments. In this process, the laser energy is absorbed by the dark and thick hair and does not harm the surrounding areas. Using the handpiece cooling system, which is in direct contact with the patient's skin, we will see pain relief in the treatment process. session\r\n3-high concentration of light\r\n4-suitable for all 6 skin typ ...

  • Cryolipolysis slimming machine for sale

    **Cryolipolysis is a non-invasive treatment method for weight loss, during which body heat is gradually extracted by creating suction and creating extreme cold until the fat under the skin is frozen.\r\nDuring the treatment, the epidermis remains in a normal temperature range. The residue that causes the patient's skin not to be damaged. Fat cells are sensitive to cold, and severe and local freezing causes them and the cells involved in the formation of fat to be destroyed, then they are naturally metabolized by the lymphatic system. , stomach, thigh, etc. Handpiece B is used for treating ...

  • Q_SWITCH for sale

    This device is a non-abrasive laser, which means that there is no failure in the continuity of the skin tissue. This is to target the pigment cells. These specific wavelengths are preferentially absorbed by the pigments (melanin) and the resulting heat causes the creation and propagation of waves that cause damage to the pigment-containing cells. These damaged cells from The place is cleaned and as a result the pigment area is lightened. Benefits: Removal of wrinkles. Improvement of skin color. Reduction of wrinkles and fine lines on the face. *Removing age spots\r\n*Removing lip and eye lines ...

  • Selling and providing all kinds of services of hi-fo devices in Shiraz

    Hyphotherapy is a non-invasive method that by delivering focused ultrasound energy to the basic layers of the skin, it causes collagen production and as a result \r\nlifts and rejuvenates the skin. skin, removing wrinkles around the forehead, eyes and...\r\n*improving skin color, smoothing and brightening the skin\r\n*improving jawline and freckles\r\n*only 30 minutes of one facial treatment\r \n*After treatment, 20-30% result, then you will see the best result in 3-6 months.\r\n*Good result will last at least 2-3 years.\r\n\r\nContact us be:\r\n09170431020-09170531020-07136289780

  • Selling and providing various services of slimming device (EM Contouring RF)

    Electromagnetic technology with high power causes maximum muscle contractions. As a result, the muscle tissue is forced. adapt to these conditions. By rebuilding its internal structure, the growth of myofibrils and the creation of new protein fibers and muscle fibers lead to an increase in muscle density. Benefits: Pain reduction muscular, preventing muscle atrophy\r\naccelerating muscle growth, improving muscle performance\r\nreducing fat tissue, strengthening muscles\r\nimproving blood circulation\r\n\r\n*********** ****************************************************** ********************* ...

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