All Company structures, space Hammond gamers sell and buy offers

  • Structures, space Hammond gamers

    Structures Hammond gamers 1-DESIGN -2تولید - 3-Run and install a variety of space structures / space frame structure with the system mero (orb-San)-single bolt(Single Bolt) in a variety of تاشه DP flat cask-گنبدو... Space structures=cover large openings - moveable (collect reboot after install) - lightness - beauty - precision - low cost Usable as the roof of workshop - Salon, the - stadiums - canopy - terminal and gate buildings, parking lots, and.... (Operations by Bradford engineering with experience) **Has a pack of dedicated parking** **Design and implementation of passenger terminal ...

  • Space structure skylight building, Central Bank pasargad

    Cooperation with financial institutions, commercial, banking, and centers of credit in order to run, skylights, attractive and beautiful without restrictions تکیهگاهی Structures Hammond gamers 1-DESIGN -2تولید - 3-Run and install a variety of space structures / space frame structure with the system mero(orb-San)-single bolt(single bolt) in a variety of تاشه DP flat cask-گنبدو... Space structures=cover large openings - moveable (collect reboot after install) - lightness - beauty - precision - low cost Usable as the roof of workshop - Salon, the - stadiums - canopy - terminal and gate buildin ...

  • Space structures Mosque historical saveh

    Covering historical places and ancient monuments, Heritage, cultural, Handicraft and tourism, museums and Bluehost due to the possibility of the implementation of فونداسیونهای weights and lack of the wake of Kenny and the destruction of the floor Structures Hammond gamers 1-DESIGN -2تولید - 3-Run and install a variety of space structures / space frame structure with the system mero (orb-San)-single bolt(single bolt) in a variety of تاشه DP flat cask-گنبدو... Space structures=cover large openings - moveable (collect reboot after install) - lightness - beauty - precision - low cost Usable as ...

  • Space structures, roof, toll free way saveh - hamadan

    The analysis and calculations and technical implementation of roof complications, complex, welfare, and urban elements urban Structures Hammond gamers 1-DESIGN -2تولید - 3-Run and install a variety of space structures / space frame structure with the system mero(orb-San)-single bolt(single bolt) in a variety of تاشه DP flat cask-گنبدو... Space structures=cover large openings - moveable (collect reboot after install) - lightness - beauty - precision - low cost Usable as the roof of workshop - Salon, the - stadiums - canopy - terminal and gate buildings, parking lots, and.... (Operations by ...

  • Structures of the space age display, and Amphitheater Theater of the garden building in Iran

    Sale and implementation of a variety of structures, instruments in the amphitheater تأترها, etc. cultural centers, etc. zurkhaneh. سراهای the neighborhood and the alcove, garden and parks Structures Hammond gamers 1-DESIGN -2تولید - 3-Run and install a variety of space structures / space frame structure with the system mero(orb-San)-single bolt(single bolt) in a variety of تاشه DP flat cask-گنبدو... Space structures=cover large openings - moveable (collect reboot after install) - lightness - beauty - precision - low cost Usable as the roof of workshop - Salon, the - stadiums - canopy - term ...

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