All Company سمات industry sepahan sell and buy offers

  • Mill, the powdery, micronized and crushing

    Design and manufacturing of the Raymond mill and ... jet mill, etc. separator - کلسیفایر, etc. mill, separator, etc. سیکلون and بگفیلتر directions: Powder, all kinds of mineral, chemical, industrial, pharmaceutical, and... materials, value, precious, abrasive, material منفجرشونده, especially military industry, etc. material is sensitive to temperature, sensitive materials to crush, coupling etc. materials خوراکی., the material of pharmaceutical and health without infected, and iron, and wasting it. Up mesh 2500 (less than 5 micron)

  • Mill polymer, Teflon, plastic, PE, PVC,

    Company سمات industry sepahan specialized device manufacturer, micronized grinding mill. The company is the manufacturer of all kinds of mill polymer, Teflon, plastic, PE, PVC and ... with sizes fine powder and micronized. 09132943652 - 03133869714

  • Mill powder Raymond

    Company سمات industrial specialized manufacturer of all kinds of devices for grinding and breaking the material up to sizes بسایر the bottom of the mesh 3000 activity. سازنده a variety of lines of the Raymond mill and ... mill separator and ... jet mill, etc. turbo mill, etc. spray dryers and other types of devices powdery.

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