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  • Leasing Imaging Equipment-هلیشات

    Camera Canon mark 3.Sony camera, F SS 700.Camera Black Magic.The camera refuse.Rent the camera refuse. The rental equipment. Sound equipment.Imaging Equipment. Lighting equipment.Equipment motor.Rails and شاریو.Rails and شاریو win. رکوردر zoom.Sony ایکس3.گوپرو Hiro and Cole reflections. Softcore box . پرژکتور light. Light arches.Reflector.The microphone collar. Scooters. Black magic. استاببلایزر . Slider .Tripod ساچلر .Tripod مانفرتو. پروجیب. Rails میکرودالی.Rails portable.Rails win.Crane 8 yards. Crane 6 yards. Shoulder Matt box. متباکس. Zoom Lens the Canon.Wide-angle lens. سامیانگ.Lens Zeiss ...

  • هلیشات.Making a teaser and clip

    Build a variety of clips and teaser advertising with affordable price and high quality, can compete with domestic and foreign companies pose.Along with the examples in the teaser, petrochemical.Industrial.Manufacturing.Motion graphic.Three-dimensional animation.Short film. هلیشات and imaging, air for a full day with the sum of the appropriate

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